About Us

  • 15 Years of Experience

    Working with everyone: solo practicioners to billion-dollar businesses.

  • 4x Webby Award Winner

    The leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet.

Who we are

We are your digital partner. As a full-service digital agency that specializes in law firms, Montclair Digital marries digital expertise with a deep understanding of the needs of the legal industry.

What we do

From high-quality, mobile-friendly websites, to logo designs, expansive SEO programs, and business automation, we go above and beyond to make sure your digital presence is working hard for you.

Why we are unique

Award-winning digital expertise, deep immersion in the legal industry, and a Fortune 100 executive as your day-to-day contact. We’re not here to sell you, we want to be a solution that grows your business.

We’d love to work with you.